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  • UAS Sentry Touch Screen V2 - BVLOS

    Detects drone that are well Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS).

    Depending on environmental conditions the BVLOS unit can detect drones over a 70 square mile area.

    Like all of our receivers, this model detects drones that are transmitting RID via wifi (2.4) and also the remote transmitters that are transmitting RID via bluetooth.

    As of 11/01/2023 the following models have been detected by our receivers:

    Autel EVO Max

    BlueMark db120

    DJI Air 2

    DJI Air 2S

    DJI Air 3

    DJI Inspire 3

    DJI M300 RTK

    DJI M30T

    DJI M3E

    DJI M3T

    DJI Mavic 3

    DJI Mavic 3 Cine

    DJI Mavic 3 Classic

    DJI Mavic 3 Pro

    DJI Mini 4 Pro

    DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced

    Dronetag Beacon

    Dronetag Mini

    Holystone HSRID01

    uAvionix pingRid

    Price: $999.95

  • UAS Sentry Remote ID Compliance Verification Unit

    Confirm your drones are legal and see what they are transmitting. This basic unit does NOT include a 1S battery and the case is to small to hold the battery inside it.

    We have a larger case which will hold a 1S battery and can substitute that case and include a battery for an additional fee.

    When you go to checkout you may select that option and we will swap out the case and install the battery for you so the unit is ready to go when you receive it.

    The user manual for this product is at here.

    Like all of our receivers, this model detects drones that are transmitting RID via wifi (2.4) and also the remote transmitters that are transmitting RID via bluetooth.


    Price: $54.99

  • UAS Sentry Ultra Portable BVLOS

    Introducing UAS Sentry Ultra Portable BVLOS, the solution for drone detection on-the-go. 

    The BVLOS model is designed to detect drones that are BEYOND Visual Line Of Sight.

    This unit has all the freatures of the VLOS receiver but with a MUCH longer range due to the external antenna.

    This unit also uploads data to the cloud and connects to the IOS app (Android coming soon) so you can easily view detailed information (e.g., height, pilot location, speed, heading) in real time or historical data.

    Like all of our receivers, this model detects drones that are transmitting RID via wifi (2.4) and also the remote transmitters that are transmitting RID via bluetooth.

    As of 11/01/2023 the following models have been detected by our receivers:

    Autel EVO Max

    BlueMark db120

    DJI Air 2

    DJI Air 2S

    DJI Air 3

    DJI Inspire 3

    DJI M300 RTK

    DJI M30T

    DJI M3E

    DJI M3T

    DJI Mavic 3

    DJI Mavic 3 Cine

    DJI Mavic 3 Classic

    DJI Mavic 3 Pro

    DJI Mini 4 Pro

    DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced

    Dronetag Beacon

    Dronetag Mini

    Holystone HSRID01

    uAvionix pingRid

    Wingtra WingtraOne Gen II

    Price: $595.00

  • UAS Sentry Ultra Portable VLOS

    Introducing UAS Sentry Ultra Portable VLOS, the solution for drone detection on-the-go. 

    The VLOS model is designed to detect drones that are within Visual Line Of Sight. If you see it then this unit will also see it.

    This unit is ideal for home owners or really anyone who wants to get information about a drone that is flying around them.

    This unit also uploads data to the cloud and connects to the IOS app (Android coming soon) so you can easily view detailed information (e.g., height, pilot location, speed, heading) in real time or historical data.

    Like all of our receivers, this model detects drones that are transmitting RID via wifi (2.4) and also the remote transmitters that are transmitting RID via bluetooth.

    As of 11/01/2023 the following models have been detected by our receivers:

    Autel EVO Max

    BlueMark db120

    DJI Air 2

    DJI Air 2S

    DJI Air 3

    DJI Inspire 3

    DJI M300 RTK

    DJI M30T

    DJI M3E

    DJI M3T

    DJI Mavic 3

    DJI Mavic 3 Cine

    DJI Mavic 3 Classic

    DJI Mavic 3 Pro

    DJI Mini 4 Pro

    DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced

    Dronetag Beacon

    Dronetag Mini

    Holystone HSRID01

    uAvionix pingRid

    Wingtra WingtraOne Gen II

    Price: $495.00

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