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UAS Sentry POE + LTE

The UAS Sentry LTE unit is the latest in the Remote ID receivers.

This only thing this unit requires is power. It connects to the cloud via LTE. The LTE connection can be A T & T, Verizon, or T-Mobile.

The receiver is in a metal IP-67 weather resistant case.

No longer do you need to connect to the customer's Internet.

It ships with 12 months of data service.

The UAS Sentry LTE unit is the latest in the Remote ID receivers.

This only thing this unit requires is power. It connects to the cloud via LTE. The LTE connection can be A T & T, Verizon, or T-Mobile.

No longer do you need to connect to the customer's Internet.

The receiver is in a metal IP-67 weather resistant case.

It ships with 12 months of data service.

After 12 months, data service will continue as long as you are on a UAS Sentry service plan. This service plan will also extend your access to all the UAS Sentry cloud features. 

The UAS Sentry POE + LTE unit has the following features:

  • Dual receivers for detecting drones. 2.4 and 5.8 frequencies are scanned
  • Ability to connect to two LTE service providers
  • Ability to create a local hotspot (extra fees may apply)
  • Connection to UAS Sentry IOS app
  • Use the map on the UAS Sentry Cloud to view past and near real-time activity
  • IOS push notifications on any IOS device.
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